Architecture is one of the most popular and sought-after careers in the world, as all purpose-built structures depend on it.
There are many options to study it nowadays, whether you want to do an Architecture Master in Europe, a specialisation at a major university or study it as a technical career. All of them are more than valid when you are clear about the reason why you want to undertake studies in this very interesting career.
However, if you are still not convinced and need some reasons to decide to study architecture, these are some of the most important ones:
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1. It offers several job opportunities
The only task of architects is not to construct buildings. In fact, not many take this path and there are other specialisations that can focus directly on your style so that you can do something you are passionate about.
In this sense, architects can design interior or exterior spaces, artistic works, digital mapping, site inspection, outlets linked to urban planning, computer graphics, installations, 3D design, urban management and even become a professor of architecture.
The best thing is that you can work in the public or private sector, whether you decide to be part of a company, governmental body or work independently or freelance. This way you are guaranteed a job in the area you feel most comfortable working in.
2. The pay is good
In most countries of the world, architects are very well paid and their salaries are almost always positioned in the top salary tables. In this sense, companies that require architects with specialisations are very willing to pay what their work, dedication and studies are worth to become an excellent professional.
3. Keeps constantly updated
Architecture is an extremely dynamic career that links everything related to design, technology and construction management in order to achieve a comprehensive professional who is up-to-date with current trends and who can offer an appropriate response to the times.
In this sense, new techniques are always emerging, challenging the architect to give more of himself, to design with innovation and to surprise his clients with new strategies, structures and techniques to meet their challenges.
4. It’s totally practical
If you’re a bit bored by too much theory or don’t want to spend too much time sitting down before looking at some action, you’ll be glad to know that architecture is a very practical degree and from the first semester you’ll be making plans and visiting construction sites to learn more about it and learn while doing.
5. International recognition
Architects are known all over the world for the important work they do. While lawyers need to re-study some of their skills in order to pursue their careers in other countries, the recognition of the plans and work that only architects do is a little more universal.
This means that you can go anywhere in the world with your architectural degree from a recognised university and practice your profession after taking some guidelines, which makes your career more versatile.
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