Do you consider yourself a bright and knowledgeable student? Studying in college or university is full of significant opportunities. You can learn new material, become better as a professional and enjoy time with your group mates. It is such a wonderful experience. You should deal with phd thesis writing services, essay projects, and other compelling tasks.
If you want to make your students’ lives more adventurous, you should seek different opportunities. You don’t need to spend the whole time in the library. There are so many things to see in the world. And you need to benefit from them.
How should you use the potential of a student? Using travel grants is the chance to experience new countries, meet with people and soak the knowledge from other cultures. This is also a great way to ameliorate your professional skills and become better at your field of study.
Where should you look for travel grants for Ph.D. students? There are so many options on the Internet. You can ask for options by contacting your department. But why should you look for challenging ways, if you can read our list and benefit from it?
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Difficulties in Traveling Around the World: Student’s Edition
There are so many things you can experience in other countries when you are young. You have the energy to explore and get fascinated by the history, nature, culture, and traditions of the places in the world. What stops you?
- First of all, a massive workload with a plethora of academic tasks. You can’t easily travel around the world and enjoy the time while having classes. It won’t be a possible option.
- The second reason is the lack of money. Do all of the students work partially and combine it with the full-time studying routine? It isn’t possible in every case. Furthermore, lots of students need to pay the debt for their education. How can you find money to pay for the adventurous in other countries? It’s not an option for everyone due to financial issues.
- Lack of time is another reason. You may have time after the classes. But it isn’t enough to pack your things and cross the border.
Students don’t have access to travel experiences because they are forced to earn money, study and manage their life. But the urge to explore new countries is so huge. How can you find the possibility to travel more as a student?
Top 5 Grants for Students to Travel Around the World
Let’s take a look at the most popular grants for students who want to visit another country while studying.
1. Fulbright Scholarship
What countries will you see when entering the program? It is a flagship initiative between the US and a whole lot of other countries. You will be able to visit one of the 150 countries on the list. If you want to pursue your Master’s program, this is a great chance to make your studying experience better and more adventurous. You will be fully funded by the program. All the expenses related to the books, studying materials, living conditions, health insurance, and tuition are covered by the program.
2. Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme
Have you ever dreamt of visiting France? Now you can do it if you participate in this particular program. Here, you won’t receive the full expense coverage. But you can still get the financial aid that will manage your health insurance, return trip, cultural activities, and some other aspects. This is a great chance to learn more about the French culture, become a part of the education process and enjoy the time. All you need is a sum of money to pay for the tuition.
3. Silk Roads Youth Research Grants
What should you know about the grant? It is perfect for students who find themself in sciences and technology. If you enjoy learning more about craftsmanship, get your hands into traditional sports and take part in games, this grant is for you. It offers a huge range of countries and is open to all nationalities. However, it offers partial funding which can be an obstacle for some students.
4. Jessie Lokrantz Scholarships In US And Sweden
Have you ever wanted to travel to Sweden? It is a nice chance to visit a new country and share a common experience. This grant is available for all American citizens. If you want to become a part of the grant, feel free to send your application. Any subject from any university is waiting for you.
5. Harrison Middleton University Fellowship
Do you want to get full funding? This is what you get from the grant. Students interested in humanities will particularly benefit from the program. It is open to all citizens of the USA, so don’t hesitate to participate in the program.
Final Words
Traveling around the world is a great experience. You can only benefit from being a part of the global community. And the great thing is that you can take this opportunity at the university. There are so many ways to use college opportunities. And scholarships are a proven way to become more educated and acquainted with other countries.
In our list, you will find the most popular grant options for students. Have you ever tried it? You need to try yourself and participate in the program. You will be able to meet new people, learn something new and benefit from the education abroad.
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