In tax laws we can often find the two terms, both stately homes and luxury homes.
When you are about to buy a house it is very easy to come across cadastral categories which are very important and which often define very specific economic parameters that should not be neglected.
In this article team of mivida city islamabad will explain to you which are the prevailing and fundamental characteristics of the A1.
In particular, we will go into the merits of the matter by providing you with precise and detailed information on: cadastral category A1 basic requirements for a home to be included in this section.
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Cadastral category A1: differences
The first question that arises in relation to this cadastral category is the following: “When cadastral category A1?”
There is often confusion between cadastral categories A1 A8 and A9.
Distinctions must be made! Let’s see what it is!
Category A1 includes stately homes.
Category A8 houses in villas and category A9 castles and palaces.
Specifically, the cadastral category A1 identifies properties of large sizes that are located in condominiums located in prestigious areas and which enjoy high-level construction and technological characteristics.
Be careful not to confuse the cadastral category A1 with the A2
We must be careful not to confuse the A1 category with the A2 cadastral category as it is by no means a small detail.
In fact, the attribution of the cadastral category is also very important to see how much the cadastral income of the property is and if you pay the IMU even in the case of a first home.
If we want to highlight the characteristics that a luxury home could have, according to what is described by the ministerial decree of 2 August 1969, the luxury home can stand out for having some fundamental elements, such as the swimming pool or the tennis court. tennis.
Furthermore, there are some fundamental factors that distinguish a luxury home from a stately home.
Among these Skymarketing suggest you to remember, for example, the costs of the land, the destination of the area and the qualification of the area on which the house is built on the basis of what is determined by the planning tools.
The cadastral category A2, on the other hand, identifies civil type dwellings, therefore they are real estate units that are located in condominiums whose construction and technological characteristics are of a medium-high level and are appreciated by the market.
In the case of a first home for the cadastral category A2, the Imus is not paid.
All detailed information on the A2 category can be found here.
A1 cadastral category: prevalent characteristics
For clarity, we indicate a table that summarizes the basic requirements for identifying a real estate unit in cadastral category A1.
Commercial area over 250 square meters |
real estate unit located in a building with concierge and lift |
presence of large common areas |
presence of 3 toilets with exceptional elegant finishes |
Cadastral category A1: requirements
According to the ministerial decree of August 2, 1969, a property registered as A1 must have at least one of the characteristics indicated in article 1 and article 7.
Let’s see specifically what they are:
Article 1: properties built in areas intended to host parks, villas or homes intended and defined as luxury are to be considered valuable properties;
article 2: properties built in areas where the construction of lots of not less than 3000 square meters is to be considered valuable;
article 3: those dwellings inserted in buildings that are distinguished by a volume greater than 2000 cubic meters are of value;
article 4: houses that boast sports facilities are luxury;
Article 5: properties that house an apartment of more than or equal to 200 square meters are of value, excluding external parts such as balconies, terraces, cellars, attics and parking spaces.
Article 6: all those homes that have a floor area equal to or greater than 240 square meters are of value, excluding external appurtenances from the calculation.
article 7: houses built on land that is six times the size of the property are luxury.
Article 8: even if the property in question does not have any of the previous characteristics and to be considered as a prestigious property if it has at least 4 characteristics among those indicated that refer in particular to the luxury finishes of the homes.
Finishes and Features of luxury homes
As we have just indicated, article 8 of the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 1969 refers to the attached table.
This table is very important as it indicates the prevailing finishes and characteristics that make a property of category A1.
It is sufficient that the property possesses 4 of the following characteristics.
Let’s see what they are:
- surface areaof the apartment that exceeds 160 square meters, with the exception of balconies, terraces, cellars, attics, stairs and parking spaces;
- terraces and balconies: with an area that exceeds 65 squaremeters, for the sole purpose of the real estate unit;
- lifts:presence of more than one lift for each staircase (for example two lifts per staircase); any additional lift is to be considered if they serve a building of less than 7 floors;
- freight elevators:serving buildings or condominiums with less than 4 floors;
- service stairs: presence of service stairs whose presence is not prescribedby laws to protect against accidents or fires;
- main staircase: walls covered with precious materialsfor a height of more than 170 cm;
- net height: over 330 cm.
When the stately or luxury home coincides with the first home: taxes
There is also the case in which, for example, taking into consideration the cadastral category A1, the stately property coincides with the first house.
This is very important, to also understand how taxes and tax breaks work.
In fact, for the first home, tax concessions are usually granted by the law and for the purchase of the first home you will pay:
- Registration tax at 2%
- Fixed mortgage tax 50 euros
- Fixed cadastral tax 50 euros
Re-entering the cadastral category A1 and therefore being part of a type of dwelling called stately or luxury is also interesting to know how much the Imus is.
The Imus, according to the Legislative Decree 201 of 2011, is not due for the main home, unless this home belongs to categories A1, A8 and A9.
All this according to the concept of main residence, which is described by the same decree 201, meaning by main house the property in which the owner and his family have their registered residence and habitually reside.
Therefore, the taxes for the purchase of a Luxury property in the Cadastral Category A1 A8 and A9 are:
- Registration tax of 9%
- Cadastral and mortgage tax 50 euros each
In addition, the taxes under the VAT regime for luxury properties are:
- VAT equal to 22% of the amount of the sale
- Registration tax 200 euros
- Cadastral tax 200 euros
- Mortgage tax 200 euros
How to calculate the Imus?
If at this point you are wondering how much the Imus is for a property in category A1, it is more than legitimate.
To calculate the Imus, we at Likecasa always recommend using professionals in the sector.
In any case, calculating the Imus is not a complex operation.
Being able to calculate it also often proves to be fundamental.
For this reason, we at Likecasa have created a guide that teaches you to calculate the Imus accompanying you in the calculation: Calculating Imus Value from Cadastral Income: Guide to Calculating the Imus of Your Property!
The cadastral category A1 does not provide for tax deductions
We also examine the situation regarding properties with cadastral category A1 from a tax point of view in the case of purchase or lease.
For example, with regard to properties always registered in category A1, A8 and A9, another important tax advantage is not recognized, which was introduced with Legislative Decree 133 of 2014.
This is the concession for the purchase of residential properties to be leased.
Normally, the facility consists in the deduction from the total income of the amount corresponding to 20% of the purchase price (with a total limit of 300,000 euros).
As we have already clarified, this facility cannot be recognized for properties that are registered in the cadastral category A1, as they result as stately homes.
How the dry coupon works for a stately home?
The cadastral category A1 is also allowed as regards the dry coupon.
The latter corresponds to a facilitated tax regime, because with a single tax, the personal income tax, the relative additional taxes, the registration tax and the stamp duty are replaced, when it comes to renting a house.
In fact, only the buildings in A10, which includes offices and private studios, are excluded, while all buildings from category A1 to A11 are admitted.
All this was also made explicit by the Revenue Agency through Circular 26 of 2011.
The revision of the classification from A1 to A2
We must also mention what is meant by cadastral category change from A1 to A2.
In fact, it may happen that there is a need for a revision of the classification of real estate units.
The law specifies that, starting from 2005, municipalities have the possibility to ask the owners of a property to submit a variation of registration in the land registry, when they come to realize that the registration of that house is inconsistent with the classification adopted up to that time, because building changes have been made.
Then the Municipality must set up a special practice, in which the elements found are explained, and must send a request to the owner of the house.
At the same time, it must communicate everything to the Territory Office.
The luxury categories of properties
The cadastral categories A1 A8 and A9 are considered categories of value or luxury.
Therefore, as you will have understood, the taxes imposed on these assets are different and it is good to be very informed as they are properties that you must be able to really afford.
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