Most of us assume that everyone in jail is guilty, but that’s not true. At least one percent of inmates are innocent, yet they’re still behind bars.
When you’re facing underage sexting accusations, you can feel a lot like that one percent. The moment those allegations go public, you’ll get treated like a sex offender who preyed on a child.
Regardless of the truth behind those claims, you need to protect yourself. Read on to learn the top five things you need to do to defend yourself and protect your freedom.
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1. Stop Communicating
Once you learn about the allegations, your instincts will tell you to contact that person. You’ll likely feel like being direct and asking that person how old they are. You might wonder whether they are the ones who levied the allegations against you.
Do not do this. Fight your urges.
The best thing to do is stop communication with that person. Remember — everything you say to them from this point could get used as evidence against you.
2. Investigate the Accusation
Next, it’s a good idea to investigate the accusation without contacting the person. Is there a way to verify their age without contacting them? Can you go through your past conversations and verify if you received photographs?
3. Hire a Good Lawyer
Next, you need to hire a quality lawyer to defend you. If you met that person online, look for an online solicitation lawyer. If not, then look for a criminal defense attorney who specializes in underage sexting.
Do not try to fight your charges alone. The penalties are too steep to risk it.
4. Construct a Defense Strategy
You and your lawyer should come up with a good defense strategy next. Depending on your situation, pleading guilty may be your best option. At other times, it’s best to plead not guilty and start collecting evidence of your innocence.
Your lawyer will know what to do. Adhere to their advice, and follow through with your actions.
5. Prepare for the Consequences
Innocent until proven guilty, right? While that’s great in theory, it rarely works that way in real life. Instead, you’ll immediately face consequences for underage sexting allegations.
You could end up feeling the stigma right away if news of the allegations goes public. You could lose your job, face social scrutiny, or even see your photo on the news.
The best thing you can do is brace yourself for the consequences. Know what to expect when it comes to facing your court date. Have those tough conversations with your friends and family.
How to Cope With Underage Sexting Allegations
Underage sexting is not something you want to get accused of. Such actions are not only illegal but they’re perceived as highly immoral, too. Expect heavy social and criminal investigations and penalties to follow these allegations.
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