The chemical name of caustic soda is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and it is also known as lye. The name caustic soda comes from the origin of the material as sodium hydrate, and it is called caustic because it is very corrosive in nature. Klempner München is the last bit that is most interesting when we talk about blocking blocked drains.
Caustic soda causes a chemical reaction when it comes in contact with organic materials such as dirt, food, hair, etc. These are also ingredients that account for the majority of drainage blockages. Caustic soda can also be easily dissolved in water, which is one of the reasons why many sewage treatment services use it as the first offense in the fight against blocked drains. However, commercial grade cleaners have a higher concentration of caustic soda compared to those intended for household use.
How to clean drains by using soda?
In its purest form, caustic soda is available as a white, waxy solid. However, it is the powdered or liquid form used to clear a blocked drain. You can buy powdered / liquid caustic soda in any hardware store. Once you have purchased it, follow the steps explained below.
Take a large bucket and dilute 3 cups (750 ml) caustic soda in 3 liters of cold water.
Use a wooden spoon or stirrer to mix soda and water.
Do not use these containers and utensils for cooking-related purposes later. Also, avoid using your hands to touch the mixture.
When you mix the two, you should see a little fizz and a certain amount of heat.
Now pour this solution just by drowning the blocked drain and leave it undisturbed for 30 minutes.
Now boil 4 liters of water and use it to rinse the drain.
If the block continues, you can repeat this procedure a few times.
Considerations when using caustic soda
Although very effective, using caustic soda to clear blocked drains is not without its share of challenges. The biggest risk it poses is to your health and your safety. The corrosive nature of caustic soda, while a blessing when trying to get rid of difficult blockages can lead to visual impairment. At the very least, direct contact can create a burning sensation and swelling in the eyes and skin. The consequences of ingesting it are far more serious. From chemical burns to gastrointestinal ulceration and even death, caustic soda can affect health. If you have decided to use caustic soda to clear a blocked drain, do so after using full protective equipment. When you have finished using caustic soda, secure it properly and keep it out of the reach of children.
You can get caustic soda from most hardware stores or stores that specialize in selling commercial quality cleaning products. The concentration of caustic soda sold by these stores ranges from 50% to above. However, you do not need such a high concentration to dissolve the average drain residue. However, if you still intend to buy highly concentrated caustic soda, be careful with its corrosive nature and use and store it properly.
If you are facing a blocked drain, do not go for caustic soda as the first measure. Most drain cleaning products contain just enough caustic soda to get the job done. Periodic use of these products is more than sufficient to keep your drains flowing freely. That said, contact a professional plumber once before buying high concentration caustic soda if conventional drain cleaning products do not clear your drain block. Often, the risk of using something like caustic soda far outweighs the price you would pay for a professional and efficient Klempner Deggendorf.
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