It’s a question that plagues us all: how do I get a good night’s sleep?
We’re not asking about how to get a good night’s sleep—we know you’re going to have to figure that out yourself—but rather, what are the best products to help you sleep?
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know that there are a lot of wellness products out there. And we’re not just talking about vitamins and minerals, either: we’re talking about all kinds of things designed to help you relax and unwind so you can get better rest. But when it comes time for bedtime, which ones should you use?
Let’s take a look at some of the top picks.
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Getting a pet might help you sleep!
Getting a pet might help you sleep!
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of how pets help people is their unconditional love. But they can do much more than that; they can also help us get more sleep.
One study found that dog owners slept better than people who did not own dogs. Apparently, it’s the sound of the dog’s heartbeat that helps lull us into a deeper sleep. A dog purring and snuffling around in its sleep can also help you fall asleep faster and feel more relaxed as you drift off, according to another study.
And while cats don’t purr or snuffle in their sleep, they do provide similar benefits: Studies show that cat lovers tend to have lower levels of cortisol (the hormone associated with stress), which means they’re less likely to have trouble sleeping.
So if you’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, consider getting a furry friend for some extra love and support during those restless nights.
Dogs and humans have a lot in common. We both love to sleep, we both get stressed out about the same things, and we both love to eat.
But there are also some major differences between us. For example, dogs don’t always understand what it means when you say “just one more episode.” You can’t talk to them about your day or why you’re having a bad day or what it’s like to be at work without having the dog interrupt you with a barking fit. Dogs don’t understand that sometimes you just need some quiet time and space to yourself—and they don’t always understand when it’s time for a walk.
So maybe it’s time for us humans to take a page from our canine friends’ book! Maybe all of these things would be easier if we remembered that our dogs need help too—they’re not just here for our entertainment (though they do provide A LOT of it).
CBD treats for dogs could be the key to helping your dog relax enough so that he or she will sleep through the night (or at least stay still long enough for you to take care of some much-needed tasks).
Setting a Steady Schedule Will Likely Help You Sleep
You know that feeling when you try to fall asleep, but you can’t? You’re lying in bed with your eyes closed, listening to the sounds of your house settling into its nighttime routine. You’re thinking about all the things you need to get done tomorrow, and how much work there is to do on the project you’ve been working on for weeks. Your mind is racing and racing…
And then suddenly, it hits you: how ridiculous it is that you’re lying here trying to sleep when there’s so much work to be done!
We’ve all been there. And if we haven’t been there ourselves? We’ve certainly heard someone else complain about this exact problem—and then we laughed at them because “it’s not a big deal,” right?
But what if it actually IS a big deal? What if spending even just one night without enough sleep has serious consequences not only for your health but also for your work performance? The truth is: sleep deprivation causes more than just grogginess or tiredness—it affects our brains’ ability to function normally and make good decisions. So maybe the next time someone complains about their lack of sleep, we should listen more closely—because maybe we need to change something about ourselves too!
Melatonin is a fantastic way to get some sleep
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you wake up in the morning feeling like you didn’t get enough sleep, even though you went to bed early and slept for hours?
If so, a new study has some good news for you: Melatonin can help.
Melatonin is a hormone produced in your brain that helps regulate your body’s sleep cycle. It’s also a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which means it helps protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and inflammation. And since not getting enough sleep can lead to both of these things (and more!), melatonin is an excellent way to get that extra boost of quality ZZZs.
The great thing about melatonin supplements is that they are quick-acting and easy to use—you don’t need to take them every night or stay up late with them—so if you find yourself struggling with insomnia regularly, it might be worth giving them a try!
Now go get some sleep!
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You’ve written an incredible blog post, and you can’t wait to share it with the world. But before you go off sharing links to it (and who doesn’t love that?) there are a few final steps to take.
First, make sure your article is free of typos and grammatical errors. If you don’t know how to fix them yourself or don’t have time for this step, get someone else to do it for you—it’s worth the investment.
Next, check your links. Nothing is worse than having a reader click on a link that doesn’t work because of a typo or other error. Make sure all of your links work!
Finally, make sure that your article is formatted correctly and looks great on all devices! This means checking how it looks as a blog post instead of just as a page on your site—you want people to read this thing!
Once those steps are taken care of, go ahead and share away!
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