It’s no secret that digital marketing has taken the business world by storm in the last decade. Marketing strategies are all about social media followings, video content and email campaigns. However, printed marketing materials are still effective in spreading the word about your brand – especially if you want to target a local audience.
Tangible marketing materials can be anything from business cards to flyers posted out around the local area. Printed materials are easily distributed and can reach customers without social media or digital devices.
Here are a few more benefits of printed marketing solutions.
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Builds trust in your brand
Print as a form of marketing is more trusted than social media, according to recent statistics. As such, it could be very effective in building a loyal customer base and can include your business website, store address and customer service helpline. The customer can reference a tangible item repeatedly without needing to go online and try to remember your brand’s name. Older demographics often trust printed marketing materials over online advertisements. They may suspect that an email campaign is spam or feel uncomfortable typing in their bank details online.
Improves sales
Fewer companies use printed materials these days, so the delivered mail ads stand out to customers. There are high levels of response from most forms of print media, including banners, business cards and brochures. Print media leads to consumer action and, therefore, higher sale rates. Likewise, when it comes to an independent business in a particular community, print media helps to highlight the local aspect of your business and attract people who want to shop within the area.
Shows off your products
High-quality photos are important for printed materials. You need to show off your successful products and upcoming launches in your advertisements. If a customer has picked up a printed ad, they are likely to spend more time reading it. The digital world is filled with advertisements, and consumers give each one less and less attention. Well-designed banners can catch a customer’s attention when they are driving past your store.
Advantages and disadvantages to each type of printed advertisement
- A business card is small and includes your essential company information. It’s important to showcase your branding in the finer details of the card by altering the font, text size, colour choice and basic elements.
- Whereas a poster has more creative freedom, you can explore different graphics, photos, and ways to grab the consumer’s attention.
- If you want to include more text and information about the product, a brochure might be the method for you. With a little explanation of the product and what it does, transparency about your goods can sell the brand to a customer.
Smart marketing is all about research and adapting to the current climate. Use a combination of printed advertisements and digital marketing strategies to cover your bases. Above all, decide on your target demographic and find out which method is the most effective for them.
In recent years of retail sales development, more and more attention has been paid to retail problems and solutions, which only recently began to be recognized as full-fledged and effective ways of influencing the behavior of consumers of certain goods. Such tools include merchandising. Merchandising is the result of the combined efforts of the manufacturer, the distributor, and the retailer.
The interests of all three participants in the process must be taken into account, while putting the needs of the buyer first. Statistically, customers leave 13% more money in stores where merchandising is impeccable.
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