We would like to give you these tips based on our own home office experience. They help you to organize yourself, approach your learning day in a structured way, and become really productive at the same time.
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Plan The Day!
It doesn’t matter whether you do a home office day during the lecture period or simply prepare for your exams at home. It’s important to plan your day in advance. So, decide the night before what you have on the agenda for the next day. So, you can get started in a structured way after getting up.
Set Goals!
What do you want to achieve in the home office? If you skip a lecture, your goal could be to understand the lecture content independently. If you are preparing for an exam and studying for it at home, your goal of passing the exam will certainly affect the entire learning phase. Whatever your goal, have it firmly in mind and align all of your planning with it. And by the way, if you would need some help with your written assignments or maybe you need a good statement of purpose for applying for a job, we suggest you hire a statement of purpose writer to achieve a better result.
Work With To-Do Lists!
To-do lists are not a new tip, but they are effective. Always end your daily planning by creating a sophisticated to-do list. What do you want to achieve and what do you have to do to achieve it? Align your to-do list with your goals.
Start Early!
The early bird catches the worm! As soon as you get up, sit down at your desk and get started. Your daily planning and your to-do list from the night before will help you to get going and to concentrate directly on the essentials.
Take Breaks!
In order to be able to work effectively and with concentration, you have to take short breaks from time to time. I recommend you study for no more than 30-45 minutes at a time. After each session, take a five-minute break. If you want to work longer than three units a day, you take a longer break of half an hour after three units. This work-break system ensures you stay fresh and productive.
Motivate Yourself With Rewards!
Small rewards in between work wonders in the home office. That can be that piece of chocolate at 10:00 a.m. after you’ve sat down at your desk early and been at it for two hours. Or that afternoon workout you look forward to all day. Or the series that lets you switch off in the evening and sleep well. There are no limits to your imagination!
Find Your Work Routine!
Everyone gets along best with a different work routine. Think about when and where in your home you are most productive. How much material you can create in one day and how you organize yourself is also very individual. So, consider yourself as an individual and create your own personal work routine.
Don’t Get Distracted!
So that you are actually productive in your work phases, it is important that nothing and nobody distract you during this time. So put down your smartphone, turn off all social media channels and unplug your TV and phone. Distractions are reserved for your breaks!
Pay Attention To Good Nutrition!
Studying at home can be quite tempting when it comes to food because the closets often hide nerve food for bad times. So, get yourself some healthy nerve food replacement and position it closer to your workplace than the sweets. And while you’re at the grocery store, think about groceries for a healthy lunch.
Use Different Workstations!
You probably have a favorite place to study as part of your work routine. And that’s just as well. Sometimes a small shift change doesn’t hurt anyway. Sit in your chair to go through your flashcards or read the scientific article on the bed. This is how you prevent boredom.
As useful and pleasant as it may sometimes be to stay at home and study there, it is difficult to do so productively. There are just so many things that distract you that you would much rather be doing than busying yourself with your studies.
In this article, we have shown you that there is still hope for you and that working from home can also mean a significant increase in your efficiency. My most important tip for you: hide distractions and approach your learning day in a structured and committed manner. Then you will be able to do a lot more at home in less time and your academic achievements will really benefit from your home office phases.
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