People often visit their physicians for physical health issues. Even seemingly minor aches, pains, and unusual symptoms are possible indications of underlying problems. Americans are also paying closer attention to their mental health. Issues that were once largely ignored are now recognized as potential mental health disorders and addressed accordingly.
Understanding the Significance of Oral Health
In contrast to the growing emphasis on physical and mental health, many people ignore their oral health. Routine dental checkups and oral health issues are often placed on a back burner. As such, people don’t visit a Rexburg dentist nearly as often as they should. Experts are quick to point out that this could be a serious mistake. Numerous links have been established between oral health and physical and mental well-being.
How Oral Health Affects Physical and Mental Well-Being
Studies have proven that oral health can have a major impact on physical health. Having strong, healthy teeth and gums allows people to take in proper nutrients. Damaged teeth, tooth pain, and sensitive gums can prevent people from eating properly. After all, if chewing certain foods and consuming hot or cold beverages causes unnecessary pain, most people are likely to avoid those actions.
In turn, inadequate nutrition causes a long list of health problems, not the least of which are inflammatory conditions, obesity, digestive issues, and diabetes. It also leads to decreased immunity. That paves the way for even more medical complications and further detracts from physical health.
Mental wellness can suffer due to oral health issues as well. On the most basic level, having damaged teeth can hamper a person’s self-esteem. That’s only one factor to consider. Poor nutrition has been linked to an increased risk of depression and anxiety and other problems.
How Physical and Mental Health Impact Oral Health
Additionally, the connection between physical and mental health and oral wellness is a two-way street. Poor overall health can have a negative effect on dental wellness. Numerous illnesses have been found to cause declining oral health. Certain medications can detract from dental health as well. Furthermore, some mental disorders lead to a loss of appetite, thereby causing people to consume inadequate nutrition. Those conditions can also cause people to ignore oral hygiene and their dental health.
Oral Wellness As an Indicator of Overall Health
Research also shows that oral wellness can be an indicator of physical and mental health. Dentists can often read dental problems as signs of underlying health problems. They can likewise prevent certain medical problems by fostering dental health. Gum disease and other problems can lead to a long list of health issues, but through routine dental exams and further treatments, dentists may be able to stop more serious issues from developing.
Maintaining Wellness Through Dental Care
Numerous links exist between dental health and physical and mental wellness. These facets go hand in hand and are inextricably entwined. Dental problems often bring about physical health issues and can exacerbate mental disorders. At the same time, physical and mental health problems may lead to worsening dental issues. On top of all that, oral health problems can be indicators of serious medical issues.
Because of all that, oral health is crucial to people’s well-being. Keeping up with routine dental checkups and additional oral treatments can aid in maintaining dental health. By extension, it can be an important part of overall wellness.
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