A very embarrassing problem to solve is figuring out if a coworker has a crush on you. By reading non-verbal communication and chatting with your coworker, you will be able to better understand your coworker’s true feelings.
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Signs to look for
See how the person treats your personal space.
Does the person move around your personal space in a warm, non-threatening manner?
They may want to approach you or show you affection. Watch to see if your coworker comes into your space.
See Also: Cute Things To Say To Your Crush
Always observe how people treat others around you before passing judgment on someone who has a crush on you.
Be careful not to confuse “speakers” or others who do not understand or respect personal space with people who have feelings for you.
See if the person finds reasons to be with you.
If someone has no useful or practical reason to be with you, but still is, they may have feelings for you. If someone is around you often but is around you out of necessity, he may not have feelings for you.
See your coworker observes you a lot.
Spend time and try to observe if your colleague is watching you a lot. In combination with other clues, watching you might represent that he has a crush on you.
Observe the person’s body language.
By paying attention to your coworker’s body language, you’ll get important clues about how she feels about you.
Does your coworker get up in an inviting or relaxed way? If his arms and legs are wide apart and his posture is relaxed, he may be interested in you.
Is your coworker sending signals that it is closed by you? If they are standing with their arms folded or withdrawn, they may be nervous or not at all interested in you.
Always assess body language and other signs and signals the person is sending you.
See if your coworker gives you a lot of compliments.
Ask yourself if your colleague gives you a lot of compliments. Compliments or other positive remarks might indicate that he thinks highly of you or even has a crush on you.
If your coworker constantly compliments you on the work you do, it could mean that he only respects you as a coworker.
If your coworker compliments you on your physical appearance or other things unrelated to work, it could mean that he has a love interest in you.
Ask your colleague about relationship.
After observing other signs, you may just need to ask your coworker if he has a crush on you. While it might not be the easiest or most comfortable thing to do, it can achieve the results you want.
If you don’t want to be blunt, try using humor to balance your question. Maybe you make a joke about how other employees avoid you and then say “you don’t seem to hate me like everyone else”.
Be careful not to imply that you want more than a business relationship.
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