You have finally decided that you want to have a baby, but your patience runs low and you want to have a baby, quickly. Or perhaps, you have set a timeline for yourself, and you want to get pregnant ASAP so that your life follows the planned trajectory.
Or the years are rolling by, and you do not have much time. Or it’s something to do with your career. Whatever your reason maybe, it is perfectly okay to want a baby, soon.
However, your baby is not your online order from Amazon that you can expedite. It is a natural process, composite of science and well, luck.
Before deciding to have a baby, it is a good practice to consult an expert, like your Gynecologist in Lahore. There are also things that you can do to increase your odds of having a baby quickly. Some helpful tips include:
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Undo birth control
Naturally, since now you do want to have a baby, you need to stop using birth control. However, since most work by making hormonal changes in the body, you should be careful about disbanding their use.
A good practice is consulting your doctor. Moreover, those with devices implanted inside of them, like IUD, then also must visit their doctor to remove these then.
Once you stop taking birth control, your body may take some time in acclimatizing to the new cycle. Your cycle may stay irregular for a few months even. But don’t worry, this much is expected.
Regular sex
Your frequency of having sex is also important. You do not have to have sex every day; not only is that nearly impossible, but it will also take toll on your body. It may lead to added pressure.
Instead, try to have sex around 2-3 times in a week. You may increase the frequency around your ovulation period, but even that is not strictly necessary. Sperm can survive in the uterus for around 5 days, so you do not have overdo with sex.
On the flip side, it does not mean that you only have sex around the ovulation window, and that too, for just a few times. This habit will decrease your odds of becoming pregnant. Similarly, having sex often improves sperm health as well.
Watch your sleep
You need to stop prioritizing your deadlines or work if you want to get pregnant quickly. When you do not sleep on time, and do not get adequate sleep, you risk throwing off your hormones in the body.
Since have a regular menstrual cycle is imperative for getting pregnant, and that too quickly, therefore, start practicing good sleep hygiene.
Sleep early and wake up early as well. Do not use screens when in bed. Don’t use caffeine later in the day. Stick to a sleep routine.
Tracking ovulation period
Ovulation is the time that female body releases the egg. If the sperm fertilizes it, and the zygote gets implanted successfully, congratulations are in order then. However, for this to happen, it is important to track the fertile days.
While it is hard to nail when exactly the egg is released, but the fertile period starts couple of days before the release of the egg. There are several ways you can track your cycle; one is using applications, but they are not very accurate.
Near ovulation, the body temperature also increases. Similarly, the cervical mucus lining also becomes thicker near the ovulation period. However, these methods may require a lot of monitoring.
It is more convenient to use ovulation kits instead. These are composite of sticks, on which one has to pee on, in the morning. If you are ovulating, there will luteinizing hormone in the urine, which is indicative of the fertile time.
These kits can be slightly difficult to comprehend, so you might need help from your gynecologist, whom you can consult via
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