The early six years of a toddler’s life are universally acknowledged as being the most essential years of lifelong development, as the pace of growth during these years is extremely rapid. The early experiences of any child and the stimulation they get are necessary for forming synaptic connections in the brain in such early years and for the sake of the full development of the brain’s potential.
Being a growing city of the Delhi-NCR region Gurgaon needs to have a good quality education system for higher secondary as well as for pre-primary classes. Preschool in Gurgaon is going to attract new families going to settle there.
Typical preschool years or foundation years of a child represent the time of rapid cognitive growth and development which eventually get carried into adulthood.
The growth years could be divided into three major stages:
- Any toddler stage for children 3 years and below, requires family or consistent and responsive care and a stimulating environment, along with health inputs and adequate nutrition.
- An early childhood education (ECE) stage, also known as the preschool school education stage for toddlers between 3 to 6 years, needs a preschool-based pre-primary education system.
- Early primary stage for children between 6 to 8 years. Although children at this age are expected to be in primary school, they continue to be considered in the early childhood stage as they are developmental characteristics in common with the younger child.
Some major objectives of pre-childhood education
- To develop in children, school readiness has some kind of play-based, language and cognitive-related activities and experiences that would foster in them concepts related to learning to write and read before entry to primary schooling.
- To promote the all-round development of children based on physical, creative, emotional, language and cognitive development, through a play-based, developmentally appropriate event of interactions and activities that could provide them with a head start for lifelong learning and development.
What is ECCE and why does every school give it importance
UNESCO built ECCE as more than preparation for primary school. Its focus at the holistic development of a child’s emotional, social, physical and cognitive needs to have a solid and broad foundation for well-being and lifelong learning. Leens Nestling is following every aspect of their preschool. Despite the numerous research which supports the necessity of prioritizing ECCE, it is often a marginalized concern, so it is even more critical to highlight its tangible advantages for every child.
- Brain development: Toddlers’ education and care to nourish the period of rich brain development in kids to allow them to achieve their full potential in terms of laying the foundation of social, educational and emotional skills.
- Teamwork: the foundation for team working is once laid during early childhood when children learn to learn and play via different group activities in school.
- Exposure to diversity: in an increasingly global and multicultural society, appreciating different work must be one of the essential skills for people to have.
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