Here’s the situation: you love your headband wig, it makes you feel confident, look fabulous, and you wear it every day. But you start to notice that the base starts to feel greasy and the hair right at the base of your neck looks frizzy.
These are symptoms of a wig that desperately needs a wash. The only problem? You are not sure how to wash a wig. Don’t worry, find out how you can do it and the steps to follow.
How to clean a natural hair oncology wig
In general, natural hair does not need the same precaution as washing synthetic hair. For example, human hair can be washed and styled without any risk from heat. Discover how to wash a natural wig, following a few very simple steps your wig will look beautiful. These step can be applied on any kinds of wigs; short bob wigs, hair bundles, and so on.
– Brush your wig gently to loosen any tangles and product. By removing knots before submerging in water, washing will be more effective.
– Fill the sink with cold water. Add a few drops of normal shampoo to the water and mix well.
– Gently shake the wig in the water. Let it soak for 5 minutes, you can shake it back and forth.
– Fill the sink with clean water. Take the wig out of the sink and drain the water, then add clean water to rinse off the shampoo.
– Add the conditioner. You can use a normal conditioner, add a little to the water and use your fingertips to glide it on. Don’t comb, pinch, or brush.
– Place it on a specific wig stand. It is recommended that it be the size of the wig, so that it can stretch correctly.
– Dry the wig. You can either let the wig dry naturally, or apply a little heat to it, since natural hair wigs can handle heat better than synthetic ones.
In any case, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer and supplier’s recommendations before doing so. The most recommended option is to let it air dry.
It is also important that you know how to take care of your wig correctly to extend its useful life and maintain its aesthetics as the first day.
How to wash synthetic hair
It is worth washing your wig very carefully as harsh washing can cause the wig to frizz, tangle, lose hair, and generally alter the style. You should take into account the supplier’s advice on how to best wash and style your wig. But here are some general tips they all share:
– Brush your wig before putting it in water. It is important to remove the knots before immersing it in water, in this way, the water and shampoo will reach all areas of the wig, washing much better.
– Fill the sink with cold water. Add a few drops of synthetic hair shampoo and mix them in the water.
– Gently shake the wig in the water. Move the wig back and forth several times and let it soak for 5 minutes.
– Empty the sink and fill it with clean water. Take the wig out of the sink, wash off the dirty water and add cold clean water again.
– Dip the wig to remove the shampoo. Move the wig back and forth several times.
– Add a special conditioner for synthetic wigs to the water. Shake your wig several times and gently use your fingertips to slide in the conditioner. Do not comb, pull, squeeze or brush.
– Do not rub, roll or squeeze, you have to do it gently so as not to spoil it.
– Place it on a specific wig stand. It is recommended that it be the size of the wig, so that it can stretch correctly.
– Let it dry naturally. Do not use a hairdryer or heat on it, as it can spoil it. Lastly, don’t brush it until it’s dry.
Although some of the newer synthetic wigs have a new type of hair fiber that can withstand a bit of heat but always check the label on the wig. Also, it is important to know how often to wash a synthetic wig. Synthetic wigs do not need to be washed as often as your own natural hair: every 3 weeks is recommended.
It is advisable to wash the wig at the end of the day. Since you should let it dry naturally (without hot appliances or it may melt), which will take between 6 and 8 hours. Now, you know all the tips and tricks on how to wash a wig. Put them into practice and ensure excellent care, be it natural or synthetic hair. By the way are you ready to buy a new wig? You can buy now pay later wigs online!
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