As a parent, you might feel a lot of pressure to ensure that your children do well academically, and in all other areas of their lives.
When parents feel the weight of their child’s future on their shoulders, they often push their kids to do more and do better. This means discipline in regards school work, and doing homework. As a parent, you know that completing homework and assignment are in your child’s best interest, but your child, unfortunately, does not care too much about these sentiments!
The battle for homework will morph into a show of supremacy between you and your child, and if you’re not careful in how you handle your child’s struggle for control, you might soon have a full on war in your home.
Kids will do everything in their power to avoid completing their homework. When they begin to do these things, you as a parent will experience the feeling of being out of control. Some parents get so overwhelmed that they concede and do their child’s homework for them. Check this best parenting web blog to get expert opinions about homework and shared cases from other parents.
Doing your child’ homework is not the solution to the homework battle at all. What you can do is set boundaries, motivate them to want to do better academically, and respect their choices to a reasonable extent.
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Stop Fighting with your Kids
Stop the fighting right now, tonight. If your child is insistent on not completing their homework and your nightly arguments are already something of a routine, remember that you are their parent and not their teacher. Don’t ever give in to the pressure of simply doing the work for them; rather, leave it for their teachers to handle.
Take Breaks
When you feel the exasperation in you building and you’re about to get reactive with your child, take a break and allow yourself cool down. Nothing you say to your child in anger will get them to do their homework. Allow them cool off for some minutes as well if you feel they are on edge.
Create a Functional Homework Structure
When your child does homework at a specific time, a routine is established, and they are more likely to keep to this routine. Limit their screen time if their grades start dropping so that they can focus more on the areas they need help, and they also understand the importance of getting good grades.
Allow Your Child Make Choices
This might seem counterintuitive, but you should allow your child make some of the choices surrounding their own homework. Sometimes, when parents exert their power with a show of force, children will purposely do badly in school work to show their children “who’s boss”.
Try something new
If you feel that what your child needs is help with their schoolwork, online educational material, and kindergarten math worksheets pdf are available to help your children get to practice. There are tons of worksheets and printables available online.
Allow Them Own the Consequences of their Actions
Once you allow your child make their own choices, they will also have to face the consequences of their actions. Let them understand that if they do badly in school, their poor grades affect the, and not you. Ask them thought provoking questions like “Are you happy with the grades you are getting?” “How can I help you with your grade situation?”
Finally, believe in your child enough to trust them to do what needs to be done. Stop looking at your child as a fragile, dependent creature, and see them as the growing people capable of getting the work done, that they are.
Encourage your children that you believe in their abilities with your speech and actions. Your confidence in them will give them a sense of security that they can do things on their own.
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