Conjunction plays a great role in combining sentences and words. We use it very frequently and it makes our sentences easy. Today we will talk about the tricks to use conjunction properly and understand how that works.
We use conjunction in writing to make our sentences easier to read and understand. For example, we can use the conjunction “and” to join the two main ideas of a paragraph. We can use “or” to join two ideas that are similar. We can use “but” to show a contrast between the ideas we are using.
Learning conjunctions is not tough, you just need proper guidance. If you are still confused then you can try out AmazingTalker (Online learning platform) where you will get online tutors who will guide you. We will suggest you better try out an online tutor to clear your confusions.
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Tips to use Conjunction in Sentences
Conjunction is a very common type of word we use in our regular speech and writing. But we are not quite sure about its use, so let us share our experience about it here.
Tips 1: Conjunction links words, phrases and clauses
Conjunction is a piece of words that interlinks words, phrases and clauses. It makes us join two sentences, apply conditions and help to express our feelings properly. It is easy to use in sentences.
If you want to be creative with your writing, you will need to understand how to conjugate your verbs. This is the part that makes your sentences interesting and understandable. You will have a lot of fun reading or listening to your creative conjugations.
It is one of the reasons why students love to learn English because of its conjugation system. There are different conjugation systems. The one that is used to teach English learners is called present continuous tense. The purpose of conjugate your verbs is to link your sentences. When you conjugate a verb, it is like changing the tense.
Tips 2: Join More sentences
Use conjunction to join sentences. You can say similar two sentences separately but with the help of conjunction you can join them with just and or but. It is easy to apply and you do not need to take guidance from a tutor about it.
A conjunction joins two different kinds of sentences with each other. You can join them by using the words and or but. A conjunction tells us what kind of connection is needed. This kind of connection can appear with the word and or.
The word means that you have to do the same thing twice. For example, you can write, “I want to go to the park and watch the game on television.” “I want to go to the park and watch the game on television but only if I can find someone to play tennis with me.
Tips 3: FANBOYS – Remember the conjunctions
To remember Conjunctions you need to remember FANBOYS- word, that has all the first letters of all conjunction. Never forget them to use in your speech and sentence formation and phrases.
In our everyday language, we use a lot of conjunctions. It is a word that shows the relationship between the clauses and ideas in a sentence. For example, the word “but” shows that the following statement is related to the previous one.
When we learn grammar, we learn the proper way to use these words. The first letter of each conjunction tells us whether it is an adjective, adverb, preposition, or pronoun. Some conjunctions are called prepositional, some prepositional, some coordinating, some correlating, and some independent.
Tips 4: Apply Conditions
Sometimes conjunction helps us to apply conditions, so the sentences are better to explain and deliver our speech. In making simple sentences we can use conjunctions and it is easy to get better results.
A conjunction tells you what kind of relationship exists between two clauses. For example, if you say, “The dog was tired,” then the meaning of the sentence is “The dog was tired at the same time as the cat.” But if you say, “The dog was tired first, and then the cat was tired,” then the meaning of the sentence is “The cat was tired before the dog was tired.”
Tips 5: Write similar sentences and Join them
To practice using conjunctions in similar sentences, first write them down and then write them jointly, it will give you instant results.
The best way to learn how to do this is to write down a sentence that uses a conjunction and then write it together in the same sentence. You will see what mistakes you made while using the conjunction.
Learning conjunctions and its uses are not tough at all, but if you still have some confusion you take guidance from a native tutor. For online tutors you can reach AmazingTalker where Professional Teachers online are available and you will get the best instruction from them. So, it is no longer a tough thing to learn conjunctions these days.
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