All companies need motivated, hard-working staff to keep business operations running smoothly. After all, they are the lifeblood of any organization. It is even more important for small to medium-sized enterprises to motivate their employees. A driven team is a productive team, and high productivity levels can boost performance. Not to mention, the happier your staff members are, the less likely they will find work elsewhere. Here are a few ways you can motivate and incentivize employees.
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Create a Productive Work Environment
An office space can make a significant impact on the motivation of your employees, and a productive work environment can positively boost staff morale. The perfect office should be just the right size for your current workforce. Offices that are too big can feel cold and empty, while tiny offices can make it difficult for employees to work in. Besides size, an office should be free of clutter and furnished with high-quality office furniture, such as sturdy work desks and ergonomic chairs. Although it can be costly for SME owners to fork out for new furnishings, with online discounts and coupon codes you don’t need to worry about overspending. For example, with Sam’s Club Membership Deals business owners can make high-quality purchases at a reduced price.
Annual Events
Fun annual events give employees something to look forward to throughout the year. These events can be centered around holidays, such as Christmas, or company milestones, such as achieving a key business goal. Company events can be as modest or as extravagant as you like. Small businesses who want to keep things low-key can celebrate within budget by throwing an office party. Alternatively, treating employees to dinner at a fancy restaurant or hosting a party in a rented function room are options for business owners who want to push the boat out.
Stock up on Supplies
Sometimes it just takes a few minor details to demotivate staff. For example, if your vending machine is always low on goodies or the lack of office stationery forces employees to spend their own money on supplies. Keeping an inventory of all office supplies can help keep employees happy and in pocket. An inventory can also help you reduce costs. Last-minute purchases are often more expensive than keeping track of your supplies and bulk buying a few times a year. An efficient inventory management system can help you control shrinkage and save money in the long run.
Invest in Training and Development
Staff members who have received comprehensive training are much more likely to do a better job than employees who feel as though they have been thrown into the deep end. Offering a good training and development program can also help reduce employee turnover and increase job satisfaction.
Fun Team Building Activities
The mention of team-building exercises might elicit a groan from some employees. However, fun activities that encourage teams to work together can help form strong bonds in the workplace and boost productivity. From games tournaments that are held one afternoon per year to quick monthly activities that promote teamwork, there are many ways you can introduce team-building activities to work.
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