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When people think about programming languages, they usually think of C++, Java and Python. These are three popular programming languages that are widely used in the workplace and are known for their simplicity and ease of use.
The code written in these three languages is very similar, so it is often difficult to decide which one should be used for a specific project. This article act as a complete C++ tutorial for beginners discussing the history, features, use cases and a proper one to one comparison of each language so that you can make up your own mind on which language to use.
C++ vs Java vs Python a comparison
In terms of complexity and capabilities, C++ is considered the most powerful among all three. For example, it is capable of handling complicated graphics and sound in games. On the other hand, Java has a faster execution time than Python.
C++, Java, and Python are programming languages that many programmers use. If you are trying to choose which of these three is the best for you, then this article will give you an overview of each language in comparison to the other two.
1. C++
History: C++ is a programming language that has been around for more than 20 years now. C++ is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs as an upgraded extension to the C programming language. It has been standardised by ISO, and since its inception, it has undergone many revisions and innovations.
Features: C++ is a fast and compiled programming language. Because it’s a compiled programming language, C++ is platform dependent. C++ features are the following:
- Strong typing
- Templates
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Memory Management
Use-Cases: C++ is considered the most widely used programming language in the world, and it’s one of the most popular tools for developing complex applications.
C++ is often used for developing software that functions on multiple operating systems, browsers and cloud environments. It provides a solution that works on multiple platforms without rewriting code for each different platform.
Majority of the computer programmers use C++ because it’s very efficient, scalable and flexible when it comes to coding GUI applications, operating systems, browsers and cloud environments.
History: Java is a programming language that has had an immense impact on the tech world. The history of Java began in 1995 through the release of Java 1.0 by Sun Microsystems.
Java was designed with the intention to provide a simple and easy to use programming language for all developers. The history of Java started in 1995 when it was released as a product from Sun Microsystems. It was designed with the intention to be simplistic and flexible for every developer, and it has lived up to its requirements.
Features: The popularity of Java is based on its features like platform-independent, automatic garbage collection, multithreading, high performance using Justintime compilers.
The above mentioned are some of the platform-independent features in Java that makes it a preferred choice for developers and enterprises. These features provide high performance when compared to other languages such as C/C++, Objective-C or Python.
Use-Cases: Java is a general-purpose programming language and platform with a rich ecosystem of software development tools, frameworks, and runtimes.
Java use cases include mobile app development, web-based applications and big data technology, which are three major areas of business today that Java has proven itself capable of handling well. Many companies use Java to develop their software in order to make it widely compatible with several platforms.
History: Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989. The version he created bears his name – Python Version 1.0 was released on December 25, 1991, by Van Rossum’s employer, CWI. During the early days of Python, it had a relatively small community of users who used it to create programs that are now considered classics today.
However, the language has seen its popularity grow exponentially since then and has become the most popular programming language used today for creating software applications by outsourcing companies like PLANEKS for many different industries, including data science, web development and finance.
Features: Python is a powerful, high-level programming language that can be used for tasks related to math, statistics, computational science, and data science. It is an interpreted language that provides rapid development and extensible applications.
Python has been widely used by data scientists because of its expressive nature. If you want to implement the same algorithm in another language, the Python code can be easily translated into any other language without losing any functionality.
Use-Cases: Python is a popular programming language that has a wide use case in data science and machine learning. There are many resources for finding tutorials and guides on the web, but this article will cover specific use cases.
Python Web Scraping: Web scraping can be defined as the technique that can be used to extract data from websites.
Python Data Science: Data science is known as the process of extracting utility or insight from big datasets with machine learning and statistics. Python has several libraries that provide tools for these kinds of tasks, such as pandas, matplotlib, sklearn and scikit-learn.
Machine Learning: Machine Learning is becoming increasingly popular with Python’s widely supported library and packages, making it an easy language to learn as well as use for machine learning algorithms. Python is used to build machine learning models that can learn from data and make predictions.
C++ vs. Java
C++ is a general-purpose, imperative, object-oriented language, while Java is a general-purpose, class-based and object-oriented language. These two languages are the most popular programming languages in the world.
C++ provides more control over memory and resources than Java. C++ also has better-debugging capabilities than Java. However, Java has better performance due to its advanced garbage collection process.
C++ vs Python
These two programming languages are very similar, but there are some differences. C++ is a compiled language; on the contrary, Python is not. Python slightly boosts performance over C++ and has a different syntax, which makes it easier to use for beginners.
The benefits of using Python over C++ are that it is easier for beginners to pick up, faster to work with and can be more profitable for developers as the language pays developers in royalties on every line of code they write.
Java vs Python
Python is an object-oriented programming language. It offers a lot of features and libraries compared to Java. Despite being less popular than Java, it has been used for over two decades. The language’s syntax is very simple to write and read, making it easier for beginners to pick up.
Python is a programming language that is utilised for many kinds of software development. At the same time, Java is the most popular language for applications that run on the computer or in the cloud.
Python is easy to learn a coding language and has been widely used in a variety of industries, right from web development to data science. Java was created before Python, but it still remains one of the most popular languages today, thanks to its built-in libraries and advanced error handling capabilities.
C++ is known as a general-purpose, high-level programming language with strong support for structured programming in multiple languages. Java is a well known object-oriented programming language that offers faster performance and easy portability across different platforms. Python is easy to learn and versatile general-purpose programming language that features dynamic typing, functional programming, and scripting.
C++ has many built-in features and libraries for different purposes. It also has the advantage of being able to use the same source code on various platforms without changes. Python’s distinctive feature is its simplicity, having fewer lines of code than C++ while still having all the necessary capabilities of any high-level language. Java can be used to develop desktop applications better than C++ or Python as it offers better performance through its JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Based on your requirements, choose the right one for yourself.
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