With each passing day, technology is getting enhanced to a great extent. Now that online education has gained great momentum in recent days, several incredibly good assessment strategies have also come into existence. Educators teaching via an education app often struggle with the right assessment strategy that would benefit the students. In this blog, we will discuss the best technology-backed assessment strategies that you can use to test the students’ knowledge about a particular topic.
But first, let’s see what exactly is an assessment.
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What Is Assessment?
Assessment refers to an activity by which the educators accumulate information about the student’s understanding of a topic and then look for the areas in which they need extra help and guidance. The assessment processes are also helpful in recognizing the strengths of the students in a given subject matter. To ensure a proper evaluation of student learning, assessment is an integral part of students’ education.
If you are looking for some effective ways to assess the students’ performance while teaching via a classroom app, read on to know more about these strategies.
Top 6 Assessment Strategies For Teachers To Follow
#1: HOT Assignments
HOT or Higher Order Thinking Assignments are one of the best ways to assess the students’ critical thinking abilities. Address a bit tricky question to the students so that they can analyze the details given in the question and come up with their logical responses. In this way, you will be able to come up with an assessment having a multi-dimensional approach. You can also test how creative a student is and how clearly they have absorbed the concept in their minds.
#2: Online Quizzes
Online quizzes can be a fun way to test the students’ knowledge about a particular topic. You can even divide the total number of students into smaller groups and conduct an online quiz competition to make the entire thing a bit more contesting and thrilling. You can even ask the questions to the students in multiple-choice question formats or the form of fill-in-the-blanks. To test the knowledge of each student at a time, create questions unique to each of them. In this way, you will be able to understand how well they have absorbed the facts of a particular concept.
#3: 1:1 Video Conferences
Now that online education has made conducting 1:1 video conferences between the teacher and a student or a group of students easier, teachers can leverage this opportunity to know their students in a better way. By conducting one-on-one online meetings, you can invest all your energy and concentration in a particular student and thus get to know more about them. Apart from asking questions to them on a specified topic, you can also converse with them to know more about them, the problems that they are facing, and in what ways online classes are benefitting them. These kinds of video meetings will help you get a raw and clear understanding of a student’s traits, qualities, strengths and weaknesses.
#4: Online Polls
Online polls are a great way to understand students’ learning experience and their thought processes. Use a catchy or attention-grabbing question in the online polls to make the students leave their responses by choosing any of the options listed there. Through this interactive method, you will be able to get a clear understanding of the students’ perspectives and opinions about a particular topic or situation.
#5: Peer Evaluation System
This is an interactive and fun way of assessing the student’s knowledge of a particular topic. In this flipped mode, the students place themselves in the teachers’ shoes and review the tasks of their buddies by playing the role of a teacher. By this kind of activity, you will be able to gain insights into the knowledge of each student and see how well they can bring out the mistakes in their friends’ responses. This acts as a two-way process to test the students’ accurate knowledge along with their ability to pay attention to detail.
Summing Up…
With such diverse options for online assessments available at the disposal of the mentors, it often gets difficult for them to select the best one for their students. Hopefully, the above-suggested methods will help you in getting a precise idea about your students’ understanding of a particular topic along with highlighting their areas of improvement. So, what are you waiting for? Go, apply these assessment methods today and test your students’ learning capabilities!
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