Health concerns have changed a lot over the centuries. The prevalence of various diseases has affected both men and women differently. In comparison with men, women are vulnerable to contract diseases, and they tend to suffer in different areas. Many factors such as early marriages, lack of awareness, ineffective diet, lack of nutrition, etc., contribute to women’s poor health conditions. Besides, women are more prone to disease as their bodies endure extra pressure.
As women age, their body changes. Once they enter their thirties, they become more susceptible to experiencing health issues as their hormones take a nosedive. With slow metabolism and weak bones, women are at the brink of contracting various chronic diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, or cardiovascular diseases. Most of them overlook their nutritional needs. Be it a housewife or working woman, they juggle different balls every day, fulfilling their roles as mother, wife, daughter, or sister.
Besides, most women tend to ignore their health and are often unaware of the symptoms that can lead to severe ailments. Perhaps most health issues among women go undiagnosed in extreme cases, leading to death. Given the rise in women’s health diseases, the government is taking essential measures to spread health education, specifically among females. More and more universities are now offering education such as an on-site bachelors and an online master in public health to develop future leaders to meet the healthcare challenges.
However, this article lists some common health issues in females that pose a considerable health risk.
- Heart Diseases
Regardless of the increasing awareness regarding heart disease for the past few years, only 56% of women recognize them as the leading cause of death. Besides, about 1 in every five females die of heart disease in the U.S every year. Similarly, every 1 in 16 women in their 20s or older suffers from coronary heart disease. Perhaps, some women do not experience any symptoms of the underlying disease, while others follow symptoms like elevated blood pressure, angina, jaw and neck pain, nausea, fatigue, and heavy breathing.
It is worth mentioning that frequent smoking and uncontrolled blood pressure often lead to heart disease. Simple tips such as keeping track of diet, monitoring regular blood pressure, and keeping the lipid profile checked can help women reduce the risks of getting heart disease. Besides, talking to a doctor and making healthy food choices will help delay the onset of cardiovascular diseases. There are great places online where you can get more educated on this topic. If you have heart-related problems, it would be good for you to go online and get your ACLS certification. The knowledge you will receive there can save someone’s life.
- Mental Health
When we talk about health issues, it entails physical, mental, and social aspects. Mental health is equally essential as physical health. Women are more prone to depression and anxiety compared to men and experience different symptoms. They can barely identify them as psychosomatic symptoms or those that require professional help.
According to a study, around 12 million people suffer from depression. However, the male ratio is only 6 million. Hormonal changes are one of the common factors which trigger depression or anxiety among females. Seeking a professional’s support to understand your mental and emotional health may help you cope with severe mental health issues. Identifying the triggers to your anxiety and knowing how to control them also significantly impact the mood and prevent panic attacks.
- Breast Cancer
Another most common and deadliest health issue among females is breast cancer. Besides treatment being available, the fear of developing or diagnosing breast cancer has stopped many women from having a mammogram. Experts suggest that a woman should go for a mammogram once she enters the 35th year of her life. It can help in assessing the health and early diagnosis in case of cancer development. They should go for a mammogram every five years to keep their health in check.
Factors such as excessive weight, alcohol, smoking, and genetic factors, contribute to breast cancer development. Conducting regular mammograms, reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoke, and consulting your doctor at the earliest can detect and help in early treatment to control the spread of disease.
- Osteoporosis
It is another common health issue that is highly prevalent in women. As women age, the calcium stored in their bones starts depleting. One of the major reasons behind the occurrence of this disease is malnutrition or an unhealthy diet. In the United States alone, around 68% of women have osteoporosis.
A female body can build bone mass up to 30 years of age. However, many factors can lead to osteoporosis, like hormonal disturbances, excessive smoking and alcohol use, or a low calcium diet. Visiting your doctor and eating a calcium-rich diet can store enough calcium in our bones to prevent osteoporosis. Exercising, avoiding liquor and smoke also reduces its risk.
- Reproductive Health issues
A female has to shoulder the responsibility of childbearing. From conceiving till the development of fetus, female deals with hormonal and physical changes. These changes can induce some health issues like gestational diabetes, elevated blood pressure, and depression.
Apart from the diseases mentioned above, most women develop severe Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) during their pregnancy which further develops complications at the time of delivery. According to recent statistics, approximately 25%-40% of women aged 20 to 40 years suffer from UTI. Consulting a doctor throughout their pregnancy can help women understand the changes in their bodies. Besides, it is good to ensure necessary hygiene measures for a healthy pregnancy.
Health and well-being play an essential role in our longevity. Females often ignore their prevailing symptoms regarding adverse health conditions. Some of them even fail to understand the complex medical terminologies or basic health measures to ensure good health. The role of public health workers and healthcare professionals is crucial to educate women about their health issues. Perhaps, understanding the physical and hormonal changes will help a female look after their health or at least follow the precautions to delay the onset of such life-threatening diseases. It would further help to save the life of a mother and the infant during critical conditions leading to a reduced mortality rate.
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